Get exam-ready with the online PMI-SP exam preparation training certification course. Get expert help and get access to the explanations of recommended study materials, a detailed study plan, and much more. Become a professional in planning and scheduling by earning a PMI-SP certificate. Enroll now.
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Osama is a planning and project control consultant and trainer with a demonstrated history of working in super large construction projects. Skilled in Planning, Scheduling, Power BI, Delay Analysis and Claims. He has been a Planning and Project Control Practitioner since 2010. He is a PMP, PSP, CCP, PMI-SP certified and a member of both PMI and AACEI.
He helps planners prepare progress reports in seconds and analyze their projects with a click of a button using Power BI. He helps planners build a reputation for outstanding project control services in front of their clients. He also teaches planning engineers how to prepare winning claims.
A structured and Comprehensive training that covers everything you need to pass the exam.
Demonstration of the practice standard for scheduling and the relevant chapters from the PMBOK.
Proven intensive study plan to clear the exam and become certified in 30 days only.
If you experience confusion or difficulty in your exam application, we will be there for you.
Receive a certificate of completion (30 hours of scheduling education) to fulfill the training prerequisites of the exam.
If you take our course and don’t pass the exam, send us a copy of your results and receive a full refund of the course fees. We make this guarantee because we are confident about what we offer you to pass the exam.
You must have at least 2 years of experience in planning to qualify for taking the PMI-SP exam.
You can access the course for 6 months. This will help you not procrastinate and take an action toward passing the exam. If you follow our study plan, you can pass the exam in 1 month only.
All lessons are pre-recorded and can be completed at your own pace.
It was a really interesting training that fully met my expectation in the advanced levels of project control tools. I am glad to end 2021 with it. Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP delivered the course with professionalism, wide knowledge, and expertise. He really masters the advanced levels of Primavera P6, Excel, Power BI, and delay analysis. The course was one of the best trainings I have ever attended, as it was clear, precise, and very practical.
Project Control Manager, KSA
The programs have a dense content "although it was enjoyable" and new information was presented "in a practical way". Planning, scheduling, controlling, and interactively presenting the outcome using Power BI was great to add to my skills as an Engineer. Thanks Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP for sharing your brilliant experience with me.
Senior Project Engineer, Australia
Practical Project Control Course covers all practical knowledge with detailed explanation of P6 and also the usage of Advanced Excel Functions in the Planning and Project Control.Power BI in Project Control Course: the best in Industry explanation with all Visual for advanced Dashboards that meet the current Industry demand. Delay Analysis and EOT Claim Course which explains Practical TIA -Windows analysis with Effective EOT writing and submission.
Planning Manager, Oman
I would like to thank Engr Osama Saad for his important part in providing invaluable support through the “PSP Exam Preparation Course” offered by Smart PM Training. I wonder how to pass the exam without this course. The content of the course, the mock-up test, valuable tips and the strategies really helped me to focus on the important topics needed to pass the exams. To the planners, I highly recommend you take this “PSP Exam Preparation Course”.
Project Control Manager, Turner KSA
Great Practical Content, and believe it or not, you can really do Magic with Power BI in Project Control! Thanks Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP for the great comprehensive training course which is direct to the point and provides a clear concept of how to use Power BI in the Project Control field.
Senior Planning Engineer, Qatar
Delay Analysis from A to Z ! Excellent course with integrated process of delay analysis, which presents inclusive knowledge in capsule. It is highly recommended course for my colleagues who are interested in learning more about delay analysis and the integration of the comprehensive process on Primavera 6. It is really excellent and valuable course that introduce a complicated process in a very simple way which makes from a beginner in the field a master indeed.
Contracts Engineer, UAE
I found this course much more practical and precise in terms of illustration. Being an independent Planning Engineer since the start I am always facing the same issues which you discussed during the course. I admire your work & appreciate your work, please keep it up.
Planning Engineer, UAE
Power BI course from Smart PM Training is very impressive and useful for the Project Control. I understand that it is inevitable in Project Control now. It helps minimizing time while producing dashboard reports and all comprehensive reports in visual.The course is well structured and well explained. Although it is more comprehensive with 17 hour, the way it is explained makes us much attentive and not got deviated.
Project Control Engineer
The course was well structured and I am happy to learn some insider tricks and tips from a well experienced delay analyst.
Planning Manager, Qatar
I would like to Thank Eng Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP and Smart PM Training for Delay Analysis Mastery course. The course content was well structured and easy to understand to everyone. I strongly recommend to all my connections, friends and colleagues those who want to learn about Delay Analysis and EOT claim. Much appreciate to Eng Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP for the template provided during the course which is really helpful for Delay analysis beginners.
Senior Planning Engineer, Bahrain
Thanks a lot Eng. Osama. From the beginning of the course, I had confidence in the content he provided because of my previous experiences as this was my fifth course with him. The PSP course is one of the strongest courses that I ever attended, and it benefited me on a personal level.There is no need for any other sources, only this comprehensive course is enough. I booked the test only one week after the end of the course. I highly recommend it. Thank you, Engineer Osama!
Project Control Engineer, KSA
I would like to especially thank the professional engineer Osama Saad for his easy and simple method of delivering information. There is no doubt that this course has reorganized some of the information gained in my mind. And also organize the process of how to formulate the Claim to become stronger, specific and technically acceptable. It’s a very important course for Planning , Scheduling and Control engineers. All thanks and appreciation to engineer Osama and his Team.
Planning Engineer
I would like to thank Eng. Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP and Smart PM Training for effective delay analysis course. it's a very important course for planning, contract engineers and project control engineers.The most important part for me is the effective writing, presentation of the claim, narrative structure and determination of fragnet events and impacts.
Planning Engineer
Thank you very much for your course about delay analysis. I’ve attended similar courses before; yours was by far the most useful and valuable Osama Saad, MBA, PMP, PSP, PMI-SP. I highly recommend this course of study to anyone interested in improving his knowledge about delay analysis and claims in Smart PM Training.
Planning Engineer
Program Price: USD 850